One beautiful spring morning, I heard the sound of robins outside the bedroom window. “Cherilee! Cherilee!” they sang. I looked outside to see that two robins were building a nest in my lilac bush, right where I could see them!
It didn’t take them long to finish the nest. Then Mrs. Robin laid three little blue-green eggs in it. Every day, she sat on the nest, with little breaks for hunting worms and bugs for snacks. One day when Mrs. Robin was hunting food, I saw that the eggs had hatched! In the nest lay three naked little baby birds. They had no feathers and they seemed as helpless as spaghetti!
Every day, Papa and Mama Robin fed their babies. I noticed that one baby was managing to get most of the food. I named him Hoss. Rio was the smallest and Aster was in the middle baby. I watched them grow day by day. Finally, they began to climb out of their nest and began flapping their wings. At first, they were very wobbly. But it only took a little while for them to learn how to fly.
As I waved good-bye to the robins, I remembered a verse from the Bible about birds. In Matthew 10:29-31 we read what Jesus said. “Not even a sparrow, worth only half a penny, can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to him than a whole flock of sparrows.”
God, who watches over sparrows and robins, watches over you, too!
Until our next Campfire, I’m sending you hugs and kisses!
Montana Gramma