“There is a ‘Mister Rogers’ kindness that courses through every page of The Prince and the Plan. A soothing calmness. A refreshing simplicity. Most of all, there is an unmistakable love for the Word and the kids who will be touched by it.” Tim Shoemaker, family devotions author-speaker
The Prince and the Plan begins by telling your child who God is, that he created the world, how we became separated from him, and what he is doing through Jesus to bring us back to himself. The Colorado Christian Writers' Conference named Sheri Schofield "2018 Author of the Year" because of this book and her ministry with it. Plus, ASWA (Advanced Writers & Speakers Association) a group of over 500 Christian women authors and speakers, awarded The Prince and the Plan their Golden Scroll Award, placing it second in Best Children's Books For 2018!
Written by Sheri Schofield, a skilled veteran in children's ministry, The Prince and the Plan is a beautifully illustrated, interactive picture book written for children ages 4-8 that helps parents lead their children into a lasting, saving relationship with Jesus. It explains abstract concepts through words and interactive, multisensory activities so that young children can understand and respond to the plan of salvation. Successfully classroom tested for several years, this material shares the author's secrets to reaching children's hearts for Christ. Parents can now simply read the book, do the activities with their own children, and watch how they fall in love with Jesus and respond to his Rescue Plan. Even adults have come to understand salvation more clearly through these teachings. This book can be used both in the home and in children's ministry classes. It contains a study guide for those who wish to use it in Sunday school or children's church classrooms. The 24 lessons make it a perfect fit for the January through May weekly teaching period.
This book is no longer available new. However, it is available online as a used book. On the “Walk-the-Talk Island” feature on the menu bar, Sheri Schofield provides a children’s class for each chapter of this book for young children.
¿Tus hijos están haciendo preguntas como: «¿Quién es Dios?», «¿Por qué no puedo verlo?», y «¿Qué es la fe?». ¡Entonces es hora de que les leas El príncipe y el plan!
Sheri Schofield, maestra del ministerio de niños de toda la vida y autora galardonada, ha escrito un libro que responde a las preguntas de tus hijos de una manera que puedan entender. Ella comparte contigo los secretos que ha aprendido acerca de alcanzar el corazón de un niño para Jesús. A medida que leas estas historias a tus hijos, o a los niños de tu clase en la iglesia, crecerás en conocimiento y confianza en tu papel como maestro principal de tu hijo.
This book is no longer available new. However, some copies may be available used online.
Here's some examples of the art that I created for The Prince and the Plan.