Whether you are a parent, a teacher, or a businessperson, understanding how to effectively communicate will help you succeed.
I’ve spent most of my life teaching children and young people, whether in my home or in my church. My goal has been to build leaders. Both my children now work in management. I’ve taught leadership skills to some of the young people at church. I’ve seen good results.
My secret? I speak to the total person.
Learning to speak to the total person is like being equipped with a toolbelt. The toolbelt doesn’t just hold one type of tool. It might have a hammer, a screwdriver, a measuring tape, a pencil, chalk, or any number of items to be used in the project at hand. In the same way, when we speak to people, we can be more effective if we are prepared with a teaching toolbelt containing more than one tool in it.
There are three basic learning styles: Audio, visual, and tactile. When I teach, I try to address all three styles. This is called multisensory teaching. Loading our speaking/teaching toolbelt with the means of touching these three learning styles makes us more effective, more memorable.
Think back on your childhood. What memories do you have of your parents, grandparents, or other significant people in your life? Do you remember making Christmas cookies? Did someone build you a swing or a sandbox? Do you remember sailing through the air on that swing or building sandcastles?
Our memories from childhood often involve things we have DONE with others.
When I put a lesson together, I keep in mind this learning pyramid:
(I also use HUMOR when appropriate)
The more of these senses I can pack into a lesson, the better my students will learn. Memories involving all these senses last longer than mere audio instruction.
Have you noticed how men tend to fall asleep in church? Men tend to be doers. They usually like sports and outdoor activities. Sitting and listening to someone does not stimulate their interest as much as activities do. Women are usually better at listening to a sermon, but they, too, are multisensory learners. To reach your listeners and make a lasting impact, it is important to use as many multisensory techniques as possible in your presentation. This will greatly enhance your effectiveness.
Here is a short example of multisensory teaching:
I wanted to teach my class how important it was to follow directions. I set up a short obstacle course in the classroom. Putting a blindfold on a volunteer, I turned him around a few times, faced him toward the obstacles, and told him to navigate through the course. He tried, but kept running into things. Next, I blindfolded a second volunteer, spun him around, and turned him toward the obstacles. I then gave him directions for walking around the obstacles. Because he followed directions exactly, he was able to successfully navigate the course.
I applied this lesson to following the Bible’s instructions instead of the world’s ideas. Then I taught my leadership training class which contained Bible instructions.
Example of multisensory communication:
Occasionally I designed programs for large groups. I brought in as many multisensory factors as possible when putting this together to create a lasting impression. Here is one example:
When my pastor retired after serving our congregation for over thirty years, I organized a going-away program for him and his wife, a program which followed our farewell potluck. I wanted them to feel thoroughly loved and appreciated. Here’s how it went:
I set the stage like a talk show and put a sign off to the side: The Afternoon Show
Introduction: I played something similar to the theme song of Raiders of the Lost Ark while a man (who happened to be our county sheriff) dressed as Indiana Jones, came up from the back of the sanctuary cracking a whip. He introduced himself:
“Hi. I’m Indiana Dutton and I’m here to welcome you to our Afternoon Show. I will be your host. Today we will be interviewing Pastor and Mrs. Jim Stumbo. Come on up Jim and Ronda!”
First Act: The three were seated on the stage of the Afternoon Show.
Indiana Dutton briefly interviewed Jim and Ronda, asking about their future plans.
Next, I had written a skit featuring comic characters Pastor Stumbo sometimes used in jokes to illustrate points during his sermons, Ole and Sven. Two of our young men came to the front dressed in fishing gear. They called each other Ole and Sven. They had a humorous conversation demonstrating some of Pastor’s quirks and thoughts. The end line was an Ole and Sven joke which made everyone laugh. (Humor is a key memory maker.)
Second Act: I had asked a few people from our congregation to come on stage and tell how Pastor and Mrs. Stumbo had blessed them.
The men told how much they valued the fishing and hunting events Pastor Jim had done with them. The woman I had asked to speak of Ronda’s contribution told of her hospitality and ministry support.
Not one person spoke of how well Pastor preached, though he was an excellent speaker. They all spoke of things he and his wife had DONE with them.
The things people remembered were the demonstrations of love from our pastor and his wife. Their lives spoke to us of Jesus and His kingdom.
Third Act: Luanne, a woman in our congregation who is gifted in organization, had prepared a video show of photos from our pastor’s ministry in Montana, both in our church and a previous church in Wyoming where he had served for seventeen years. She had added music about serving Jesus to the show.
Final Act: I led the congregation in singing the Ray Boltz song, Thank You for Giving To The Lord.
The program involved SIGHT, HEARING, IMAGINATION and HUMOR. The potluck our church women provided before the program involved TOUCH, TASTE & SMELL. It was a complete multisensory send-off. It was a good memory Jim and Ronda took with them as they left.
This is just one example of how multisensory presentations make lasting impressions. I will share more multisensory examples, illustrations and techniques in my next post.
Sending blessings your way,
Sheri Schofield