Off To The Race!


Hi Boys & Girls! Welcome to the campfire!

It has been a long time since we’ve met around the fire, but today is perfect for it!

Let me tell you about a race I had with a red-tailed hawk! I was driving up the dirt road to our house looking at the wildlife to see if any of my animal friends were playing. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bird flying alongside the car. It was a red-tailed hawk. He zipped in front of me, racing across the front of the car, then racing back. Then he began flapping his wings just as hard as he could! He had been trying to get my attention — he wanted to race me!

I smiled and kept driving, but not too fast. I wanted to see what he could do. He flapped his wings so hard that the feathers on his back fluffed up! Finally, when he was about twenty feet ahead of me, he landed on a fence post and looked back at me. It was as clear as day that he was saying, “Ha! I beat you!”

I laughed. These creatures on our mountain can be so funny!

But racing is a good sport. And the Bible talks about how we should race to win a prize from God! Yes. God has prizes for those who live to please him. When we love Jesus and let him show us how to live, we will be given a crown of life! Everyone who follows Jesus with all their hearts wins a crown of life. It means we will someday live with him forever!

What can you do today to help each other? How can you encourage each other to run the race of following Jesus?

Be like the red-tailed hawk today! Follow Jesus with all your heart!

Until our next campfire I’m sending you happy hugs!

Montana Gramma