Hi Boys & Girls! Happy New Year and welcome to our Campfire!

If you were to take an airplane and fly north, way up there near the top of the world is Alaska. It is a land of ice and snow most of the year. Sea otters live along the coast of Alaska. They are furry little creatures that hunt for food in the water. When they get tired, they turn over on their backs to sleep. But before they close their eyes, they find a friend to hold their hand. That keeps them from drifting out to sea, away from the other otters. Sometimes, there are hundreds of otters holding hands, all taking naps together! This is called a “raft”.

A long time ago, the shepherd boy who became a warrior - David - had to run away from King Saul. The prophet Samuel had said that David would be the next king, and Saul was jealous. He kept trying to kill David.

When David’s family learned that he was hiding in the wilderness, they packed their clothes and food, and took their sheep and donkeys, and went to the wilderness to join him. David’s friends came to him. People who didn’t have any friends came to help David, too. Soon, there were lots of people living in the wilderness with David! They were protecting and helping each other.

Doesn’t that sound like a “raft”? Yes! When people stay together and help one another, it is a lot like an otter raft.

The Bible tells us how to have a good raft - a good group of friends and family:

  1. Love one another! (John 13:34)

  2. Don’t grumble among yourselves! (John 6:43

  3. Accept one another! (Romans 15:7)

  4. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another! (Ephesians 4:32)

What can you do today to help build your own “raft”? Is there someone who is lonely that you could email or text? Look around at your family or those closest to you. Is anyone tired? Could you help them? Is someone sad? Could you give them a smile and a hug?

Until our next Campfire, start working on your own rafts! Like my Gramma Jewel used to say, “Ya otter do it!”

Happy Hugs,

Montana Gramma